Welcome to London Market Capacity Sourcing

Welcome to London Market Capacity Sourcing, The home for Carisma Insurance in Eastern Europe!

London Market Capacity Sourcing is the go-to Insurance "Bridge" Connecting Eastern European Insurance Brokers looking for Quality London, Irish and EU Insurers. 

We use traditional London, Brussels and mainland European underwriters as capacity.

Specialising in Motor Placement, Bonds, Med Mal & Submission based general risks

With LMSC and Carisma’s expertise and connections, we provide tailored solutions to meet your specific needs.

Looking for competitive insurance offerings? Want to launch a brand new Insurance product for your region or looking to replace existing capacity?

Get in touch!



Through our Tied Agency with Carisma Motor and Mobility DAC T/A Carisma Group., We source new Insurance Capacity for all Eastern European Countries & beyond.,

Particular focus in Romania, Bulgaria, Austria, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Greece, Finland, Estonia, Hungary  and more.

A Rated and Non Rated Insurance panels.


We Provide Insurance Consultation and market introductions to brokers for:

Professional Indemnity


Medical Malpractice

Motor Portfolios

Wide Range of New Product Builds.

New Capacity Launches.

Replacement underwriters for existing schemes or new schemes.

Hard to place business on the London Markets.

Specialty in Fleet Motor Business

Current Specialities include Motor, PI, Bonds, Liability and Property.

Assisting in the Capacity Deal Process

Efficiently source insurance markets for Eastern Europe with personalized solutions.


Business Plans

We assist you in the process of creating your business plan to present to underwriters. Tried and tested business plans that have been successful in launching new products

Frequently Asked Questions

What insurance markets do you source for Eastern Europe?

We are currently arranging access to quotes for PI insurance and Motor Fleet Insurance through Broker Partners in Poland and Romania... But we want to do more across more countries.

We are essentially a bridge between Eastern Insurance brokers and Western Insurance Providers.


Are you Passported into our Country

We ensure all providers are passported into your teritory and arrange a direct relationship between you and the insurer.

What support do you provide during the sourcing process

We have worked in Insurance circles across Dublin and London for many years. We assist through introductions to solid insurance profesionals and where language, Customs or support for admin is required, We are there to walk you through.

Contact us

Feel free to reach out to us for any inquiries or assistance with our services. We are here to help!


London Market Capacity Sourcing Ltd.
Dublin, Ireland 

About us

London Market Capacity Sourcing Limited is tied to Carisma Motor & Mobility DAC t/a Carisma Group, Flotorama for non-life insurance. Carisma Motor & Mobility DAC t/a Carisma Group, Flotorama is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Registered number C193837.
Carisma Group is an international non-life insurance and reinsurance intermediary.